Slum Dog Husband’ Offers a Unique Concept but Falls Short on Execution
Plot Summary:
In the comedy-drama “Slum Dog Husband,” Lachi (played by Sanjay Rrao) and Mounika (portrayed by Pranavi Manukonda) are deeply in love and eager to marry. However, their plans take an unexpected turn when a priest advises Lachu to marry a dog named Baby (played by Rakhi) before marrying Mounika to rectify doshas in his horoscope. Despite the odd advice, Lachu proceeds with the dog marriage, but soon faces legal consequences. The movie unfolds the events leading to this situation and whether Lachu eventually marries Mounika.
- Sanjay Rrao returns with an intriguing storyline in “Slum Dog Husband.”
- Rrao delivers a commendable performance, especially in the emotional climax scenes.
- Pranavi Manukonda impresses with her debut, showcasing both beauty and talent.
- Raju Yadamma’s comedic contribution is praiseworthy, with a well-executed transformation in the second half.
- The supporting cast, including the dog, delivers impressive performances.
- Despite its freshness, much of the story was revealed in the trailer, impacting audience engagement.
- The film underutilizes actors like Brahmaji and Sapthagiri, affecting the overall outcome.
- Emotional scenes could have been better portrayed, relying less on background scores.
- Execution of themes like human rights and LGBT representation lacks captivation.
- Certain scenes in the first half may lead to moments of boredom.
Technical Aspects:
- AR Sreedhar’s direction is decent, but a refined screenplay could have improved the outcome.
- The music, apart from the retro track, lacks impressiveness, though Bheems Ceciroleo’s score stands out.
- Crisper editing could have enhanced the film’s pacing.
- Srinivas J Reddy’s cinematography is satisfactory, and the production values are commendable.
“Slum Dog Husband” presents a unique concept but falls short on execution. While Sanjay Rrao and Pranavi Manukonda deliver commendable performances, occasional pacing issues and unnecessary scenes hinder the overall experience. Audiences intrigued by different concepts and willing to overlook these shortcomings may find the movie worth a watch, albeit with adjusted expectations.