A newly released low-budget film titled “Sharathulu Varthisthai” graces the cinema screens today, featuring Chaitanya Rao from the acclaimed “30 Weds 21” as the lead. Let’s delve into the movie’s narrative and its reception.
The story revolves around Chiranjeevi (portrayed by Chaitanya Rao), an earnest government employee striving to support his mother and two siblings. He shares a long-standing relationship with Vijayashanthi (played by Bhoomi Shetty), his pillar of strength since childhood. However, Chiranjeevi’s life is disrupted by a financial fraud, prompting him to confront and overcome this challenge.
Chaitanya Rao delivers a compelling portrayal of a middle-class individual, capturing the essence of Chiranjeevi’s character effectively. His dialogues resonate well with middle-class audiences, offering a relatable narrative. Bhoomi Shetty shines in her significant role, delivering a natural performance and adding depth to the film. Certain scenes featuring the lead actors stand out, particularly in the first half, which contains notable moments.
While the film endeavors to address prevalent issues such as financial scams targeting middle-class families, its execution lacks engagement. The pacing feels sluggish, with many scenes failing to make a significant impact. Emotional sequences sometimes veer into melodrama, detracting from the overall narrative. The social commentary, although well-intentioned, comes across as heavy-handed and may deter audience engagement. Additionally, the second half of the film drags on, testing viewers’ patience with its predictability and unnecessary length.
Technical Aspects:
The film’s music by Arun Chiluveru receives mixed reviews, while the cinematography by Praveen Vanamali and Shekar Pochampally is commendable, complementing the production values. However, the editing falls short, lacking the necessary precision to enhance the narrative flow.
Director Kumara Swamy’s intention to raise awareness about financial fraud is commendable, but the film struggles to maintain audience interest. Despite its strong message, the lack of engaging storytelling hampers its overall impact. Numerous dull and uninspiring scenes detract from the movie’s potential.
“Sharathulu Varthisthai” targets middle-class audiences but fails to captivate due to its mundane treatment. While the film addresses pertinent issues like multi-level marketing scams, its screenplay lacks substance to sustain viewer engagement. Chaitanya Rao and Bhoomi Shetty deliver commendable performances, and the first half offers some redeeming moments. However, the tedious second half ultimately diminishes the overall viewing experience, making “Sharathulu Varthisthai” a disappointing watch.