Rakshit Shetty’s latest Telugu-dubbed film, “Sapta Sagaralu Dhaati – Side B,” serves as a sequel to its predecessor, “Sapta Sagaralu Dhaari – Side A,” and has just hit the screens. Discover our detailed review below for insights into the film’s storyline, performances, and overall impact.
Plot Overview:
The narrative revolves around Manu (Rakshit Shetty), recently released from prison, who seeks to rekindle his connection with Priya (Rukmini Vasanth). Determined to set things right for her after witnessing her married life, Manu’s journey takes an unexpected turn when he encounters Surbhi (Chaitra J Achar), a prostitute. What unfolds next? Does Manu achieve his objectives, and how does Surbhi become intertwined in his life? The film unfolds these answers, keeping the audience engaged.
Continuing seamlessly from its predecessor, the sequel concentrates on bringing joy to loved ones and orchestrating crucial changes in a subtle manner. Rakshit Shetty’s performance is noteworthy, skillfully portraying pain, grief, and helplessness. Chaitra J Achar excels in her role as Surbhi, delivering impactful dialogues, particularly in scenes shared with Rakshit Shetty.
Gopal Krishna Deshpande’s portrayal of Gopal is satisfactory, and the rest of the cast members fulfill their roles competently.
While the plot remains simple, the 147-minute duration, mirroring the first part, feels prolonged. Director Hemanth M Rao could have expedited the pace in the first half, although the second half is well-executed.
Characters played by Ramesh Indira and Achyuth Kumar deserved more screen time. Despite being central to the plot, the character of Priya lacks sufficient screen presence. Repetitiveness in the first half contributes to moments of boredom.
The climax, while well-narrated, leaves Priya’s storyline requiring more justification. Some viewers might be disappointed by the lack of a conventional lovebird reunion, and the film’s slow pace remains a drawback.
Technical Aspects:
Hemanth M Rao and Gundu Shetty present a somewhat improved second part with heartfelt dialogues, but the slow pace hinders the screenplay. Director Hemanth could have done a better job to enhance the emotional impact of “SSD – Side B.”
Composer Charan Raj enriches the soulful narrative with light-hearted music. Improved editing could have significantly enhanced the overall experience. The film boasts decent production values, cinematography, and impressive dubbing.
In conclusion, “Sapta Sagaralu Dhaati – Side B” is a passable emotional drama with a sluggish narration. Despite commendable performances from Rakshit Shetty, Rukmini Vasanth, and Chaitra J Achar, the film struggles with its slow pacing. Unfortunately, the second installment falls short of leaving a lasting impression compared to its predecessor, potentially making it challenging for many viewers to connect with the storyline.