Ritika Singh’s latest horror thriller, “Valari,” has premiered on ETV Win today under the direction of Mritika Santoshini. Alongside Singh, the film features Sriram and Uttej in significant roles. Let’s delve into the essence of the film.
The story follows Naveen (played by Sriram), a Navy captain stationed in Chennai, who resides with his wife Divya (portrayed by Ritika Singh) and their son. Divya is troubled by recurring dreams depicting a 13-year-old committing patricide. When Naveen is transferred to Krishnapatnam, the family relocates. Initially settling in government quarters, Divya is drawn to an old bungalow in the vicinity. Strange occurrences begin to unfold, culminating in a tragic accident involving Divya. Following her recovery, the family moves into the enigmatic bungalow, unveiling its eerie connection to their lives. As the plot unravels, the audience is confronted with the mysteries lurking within the walls of the bungalow, intertwined with the family’s past and Divya’s unsettling dreams.
Ritika Singh’s portrayal of Divya is the cornerstone of “Valari.” Her compelling performance anchors the film, showcasing her versatility, particularly in action sequences. As the storyline unfolds, Singh’s portrayal gains depth, enhancing the overall impact.
Sriram delivers a commendable performance, complementing Singh’s character effectively. The film touches upon pertinent social issues, shedding light on themes that warrant greater societal attention.
Additionally, moments where Singh’s character addresses societal concerns directly are executed with finesse. Supporting actors such as Uttej and Subbaraju contribute commendably to the ensemble cast.
Despite promising premises, “Valari” falls short of delivering the anticipated thrills. Contrary to expectations set by the trailer, the film lacks the requisite suspense and fails to evoke genuine fear. The narrative lacks coherence, hindering the engagement of the audience.
While the film grapples with compelling ideas, its execution leaves much to be desired. Certain scenes suffer from poor staging and lack clarity, diminishing their impact. Dialogue delivery also falters at times, detracting from the overall viewing experience.
Technical Analysis:
The musical score by TS Vishnu and the cinematography by Sujatha Siddharth offer modest contributions to the film. However, noticeable flaws such as subpar visual effects and inconsistent editing detract from its overall quality. Despite commendable intentions to address societal issues, the film’s execution falls short, lacking a cohesive screenplay and compelling narrative arcs.
“Valari” manages to captivate audiences intermittently, buoyed by standout performances, particularly by Ritika Singh. However, its shortcomings, including a lack of gripping narration and ineffective presentation of crucial sequences, undermine its overall impact. While the film delivers a commendable social message, it ultimately fails to realize its full potential as a compelling horror thriller.