Jio Cinema surprised audiences by announcing the release date of “Boo,” a bilingual horror film in Telugu and Tamil. The movie features a talented ensemble cast including Rakul Preet Singh, Vishwaksen, Nivetha Pethuraj, Megha Akash, Manjima Mohan, and Reba Monica John. Now available for streaming, let’s delve into its content.
Plot Summary:
“Boo” follows Kiara (played by Rakul Preet Singh), who decides to celebrate Halloween with her friends Kavya, Aruna, and Ritu at her house. Kiara introduces them to a mysterious book titled “Halloween Stories,” which contains chilling ghost tales. According to the book’s instructions, the friends must read it without interruption until they finish all the chapters. As they delve into the stories, they encounter inexplicable events unfolding around them. Ghostly characters from the book start manifesting in their reality, leading to a series of eerie occurrences. What secrets lie within the pages of this book? How will the friends navigate through these supernatural encounters? The answers form the crux of the narrative.
Despite its flaws, “Boo” benefits from its stellar cast, particularly Rakul Preet Singh’s compelling portrayal of Kiara. Vishwaksen delivers a noteworthy performance as a paranormal expert, although his screen time is limited. Reba Monica John shines in her substantial role, showcasing commendable acting skills. While Nivetha, Megha Akash, and Manjima Mohan deliver satisfactory performances, Nivetha’s segment in the story stands out as passable. The film’s concise runtime of 90 minutes is a definite advantage for viewers seeking brevity.
The director appears to draw inspiration from previous horror anthologies like Ram Gopal Varma’s “Darna Marna Hai” and “Darna Zaroori Hai,” resulting in a derivative premise for “Boo.” While the concept of narrating distinct horror tales isn’t inherently flawed, the execution falters. The film lacks genuine scares, relying heavily on tired tropes and predictable jump scares. Instead of instilling fear, many horror sequences evoke unintended laughter from the audience. The attempted plot twists towards the climax feel forced and illogical, failing to redeem the overall narrative. Despite the talented cast, the film’s potential remains unrealized due to its poor direction and uninspired screenplay.
Technical Analysis:
The film’s music by G.V. Prakash fails to leave a lasting impression, with the initial song receiving negative feedback. While the production values are adequate, the cinematography by Sandeep K Vijay falls short in creating a truly eerie atmosphere. However, the editing is commendable, maintaining a cohesive flow throughout the film.
In conclusion, “Boo” falls short of expectations as a horror flick. While performances from Rakul Preet Singh, Vishwaksen, and Reba Monica John are commendable, the film’s potential remains untapped due to lackluster direction and uninspired scares. Despite its promising premise, “Boo” ultimately fails to deliver a satisfying cinematic experience and can be safely skipped by viewers seeking genuine thrills.