Opening today to much anticipation, “Raajadhani Files” unfolds in the backdrop of Bhullur village, revolving around the protagonist Gautham (played by Pushparaj Akhilan). Initially contemplating leaving his village, Gautham’s journey intertwines with the plight of farmers who sacrificed their lands for the construction of Airavathi, the new capital of Aruna Pradesh. However, tensions escalate when the newly elected Chief Minister (portrayed by Vishal Patni) neglects Airavathi, igniting a rebellion among the farmers. The film explores Gautham and his fellow villagers’ quest for realizing their aspirations amidst this turmoil.
The seasoned performances of Vinod Kumar and Vani Vishwanath shine through, particularly in pivotal moments.
Pushparaj Akhilan effectively embodies his character, notably in the latter half, supported by a competent ensemble cast.
Despite its ambition to blend fiction with reality, “Raajadhani Files” falters in delivering the anticipated emotional depth and compelling performances.
The director misses opportunities to craft a resonant narrative, particularly in the initial segments. The lack of coherence between certain scenes detracts from the overall impact.
Better casting choices and a more complementary musical score could have heightened the film’s emotional resonance.
The minimal presence and passive dialogue of the actor portraying the Chief Minister fail to leave a significant impression. Incorporating more assertive dialogue would have compensated for this drawback.
Technical Review:
Director Bhanu exhibits potential in shaping “Raajadhani Files” into a gripping political drama but falls short in execution.
Despite the involvement of seasoned technicians like Manisharma and Kotagiri Venkateswara Rao, the narrative constraints limit their contributions.
Cinematography and production values meet acceptable standards, but improvements in editing are warranted to streamline the pacing.
Overall, “Raajadhani Files” fails to meet expectations as a political drama, lacking the necessary depth and emotional engagement. While performances are commendable, the film is hindered by its screenplay, disjointed storyline, redundant scenes, and excessive duration. Considering alternative entertainment options may be advisable for viewers seeking a more fulfilling cinematic experience.