Director Suresh Krissna, known for “Basha,” ventures into the realm of OTT with his latest production, “Police Story: Case 1-Night Owls,” now available for streaming on ETV Win. Here’s our take on the film:
“Aarthi” (portrayed by Shwetha Avasthi), an ex-wife of “Shiva” (played by Srinath Maganti), an ACP, finds herself entangled in a murder mystery at her workplace, owned by a minister’s relative. ACP Riyaz (Temper Siva) and Shiva, despite his suspension, delve into solving the case. As the plot unfolds, questions arise about the accused, Shiva’s suspension, and the events leading to the crime.
- The film presents a gripping storyline, skillfully directed by Suresh Krissna.
- Srinath Maganti’s portrayal of Shiva as a dedicated policeman is praiseworthy.
- Temper Vamsi’s portrayal of Riyaz adds depth with nuanced performance.
- Shwetha Avasthi delivers a decent performance, supported by the rest of the cast.
- Despite a solid screenplay, tighter narration could have enhanced the overall engagement.
- The soundtrack lacks impact in heightening suspense, crucial for crime thrillers.
- Incorporating unexpected twists would have added excitement to the narrative.
- The first half suffers from unnecessary scenes, impacting the pacing.
- Casting choices could have included more familiar faces to enhance audience connection.
Technical Aspects:
- Director Ram Vignesh demonstrates skill but could have focused more on the first half and the background score.
- Meenakshi Bhujang’s score, while satisfactory, falls short of intensifying the thrill.
- Cinematography and production values meet expectations, but editing could have trimmed unnecessary scenes.
Police Story: Case 1-Night Owls” offers a familiar yet engaging crime thriller experience, anchored by strong male leads. Despite pacing issues and lackluster elements in the first half, the film delivers a satisfactory second half. If you’re willing to overlook these flaws and appreciate a well-executed storyline, it’s worth considering for a weekend watch at home on ETV Win.