Pippa Movie 2023: Prime Video presents “Pippa,” a captivating film featuring Ishaan Khatter, Mrunal Thakur, and Priyanshu Painyuli in lead roles. Inspired by Brigadier Balram S Mehta’s book, “The Burning Chaffees,” the biographical movie delves into the life of Captain Balram Singh Mehta.
Plot Overview:
Set against the backdrop of the 1971 Indo-Pak war, “Pippa” recounts the historical events following the division of India in 1947. The film unfolds the struggle for independence in East Pakistan (Bangladesh) and the subsequent exodus of citizens seeking refuge in India. It focuses on the Indian Army’s pivotal role in aiding the liberation of East Pakistan and showcases the human-centric decisions made by the Indian government.
“Pippa” provides a compelling perspective on India’s assistance in liberating East Pakistan. The film adeptly portrays the catalysts behind the revolution, the challenges faced by rebels, and the hardships endured by refugees due to the oppressive actions of the Pakistan Army. Notably, it emphasizes the noble stance of the Indian government in prioritizing humanity.
The war scenes in “Pippa” are executed with perfection, keeping the audience engrossed. Particularly noteworthy is the mid-portion battle scene, marked by solid visuals and impressive VFX. Ishaan Khatter delivers a commendable performance as Captain Balram Singh Mehta, portraying both irresponsibility and determination flawlessly. Mrunal Thakur and Priyanshu Painyuli also contribute solid performances, with the family drama adding depth to the narrative.
In the film’s last 40 minutes, the pacing becomes somewhat sluggish, and the impact could have been heightened by trimming repetitive scenes. The ending of the movie could have been more impactful. Additionally, Soni Razdan’s character, while well-played, feels underutilized. The inclusion of a song in the first hour seems unnecessary given the serious tone of the film. The decision not to release the film in theaters is seen as a missed opportunity, as the war scenes in “Pippa” would have benefited from a cinematic experience.
Technical Aspects:
“Pippa” boasts impressive technical elements, with AR Rahman’s Oscar-winning background score standing out. The visuals are spectacular, thanks to cinematographer Priya Seth’s extraordinary work, especially in capturing the intensity of war sequences. While the editing could have been more refined, the production values are excellent.
Director Raja Krishna Menon’s handling of the film is commendable, setting up the narrative effectively and delivering a gripping portrayal of the lengthy war sequence. However, the film loses momentum in its final moments, requiring more careful handling.
In summary, “Pippa” is a sincere endeavor that sheds light on the Indo-Pak 1971 war, specifically the Battle of Garibpur, showcasing the bravery of three siblings. The well-designed war scenes are a definite highlight. Despite some pacing issues and a lackluster climax, “Pippa” offers a satisfactory war drama experience.