Aha has recently unveiled its latest Telugu web series, titled “Papam Pasivadu (Season 1),” marking the OTT debut of the renowned playback singer, Sreerama Chandra. Join us as we delve into our review to gauge the series’ performance.
Plot Overview:
Meet Kranthi (Sreerama Chandra), a perplexed 32-year-old man navigating life post his breakup with Dimpy (Gayathri Chaganti). One fateful night, in a state of low spirits and intoxication, he encounters Chaaru (Raashi Singh) at a bar, leading to an unexpected stay at her place. This encounter sparks his interest. Simultaneously, Kranthi’s parents arrange his marriage with Anusha (Sri Vidya Maharshi), further complicating matters. The series unfolds the complexities of Kranthi’s decision-making process and the subsequent events.
Sreerama Chandra seamlessly steps into the shoes of Kranthi, portraying the inner turmoil of a confused individual with consistency and authenticity. Raashi Singh, essaying the role of Chaaru, stands out as one of the central characters, delivering a noteworthy performance. Sri Vidya Maharshi’s portrayal of an open-minded lady is also commendable.
The series gains an edge with Jose Jimmy’s background score, offering a refreshing layer and occasional moments of laughter. Aishwarya Rajeev, the costume designer, deserves praise for injecting vibrancy into the series through meticulously designed apparel.
Areas for Improvement:
Director Lalith Kumar initiates the story effectively in the first episode but grapples with maintaining the narrative momentum, resulting in a gradual decline in pacing by the third episode. This is primarily attributed to a cumbersome screenplay.
While Kranthi’s character is well-crafted, the director neglects to create distinct character arcs for the female leads, missing an opportunity to enhance their on-screen presence and improve interactions with the male lead. Notably, standout scenes between Sreeram Chandra and any of the female leads are lacking.
The character of Nasa, portrayed by Madee Manepalli, holds untapped comedic potential. Other cast members have limited roles with minimal impact.
Despite the simplicity of the storyline, the series could have been more enjoyable with strategically infused humor. Unfortunately, the final episode lacks vitality and fails to deliver an engaging conclusion.
Technical Aspects:
Lalith Kumar skillfully utilizes technical elements such as music, cinematography, artwork, and costumes. However, a more polished screenplay was necessary to transform “Papam Pasivadu” into an easygoing and entertaining series. While the production values are decent, there is room for improvement in the editing.
In summary, “Papam Pasivadu” emerges as a coming-of-age web series that falls short of leaving a lasting impression. While Sreerama Chandra’s performance is commendable, the simple storyline and sluggish screenplay hinder the overall viewing experience. Despite occasional moments of laughter, exploring alternative entertainment options for the weekend may prove a better choice.