Karthik Ratnam, known for his roles in “Kancherapalem” and “Narappa,” is now starring in the film “Lingoccha,” directed by Anand Bada, which premiered today. Here’s a look at what the film has to offer.
Set in the Old City of Hyderabad, “Lingoccha” follows the story of Shiva (played by Karthik Ratnam) and Noorjahan (played by Supyardee Singh), who have been deeply in love since childhood. However, when Noorjahan abruptly leaves for Dubai, Shiva patiently waits for her. Years later, when Noorjahan returns to India, the couple reignites their romance. However, their love faces opposition from Noorjahan’s brother, Anwar (played by Kunal Kaushik). The film delves into the challenges that the couple encounters due to societal and familial pressures.
Karthik Ratnam delivers a captivating performance as Shiva, showcasing his talent once again. His portrayal of Shiva, particularly in the emotionally charged climax, is commendable.
Supyardee Singh shines as the female lead, bringing depth to her character with her nuanced expressions and convincing portrayal. The chemistry between Singh and Ratnam is palpable, enhancing the film’s romantic aspects.
The primary drawback of “Lingoccha” lies in its conventional storyline, which revolves around inter-religious love and familial opposition. While familiar themes can still resonate with audiences if executed well, the film fails to offer a fresh perspective or engaging narrative.
The pacing of the film suffers, particularly in the second half, leading to a lack of impact in crucial conflict scenes. The character development, especially regarding the hero’s transformation, feels rushed and could have been handled more effectively.
Technical Aspects:
The music by Because Raj complements the film adequately, while the cinematography effectively captures the essence of the Old City. However, the editing could have been tighter to enhance the overall pacing and impact.
Director Anand Bada’s treatment of the storyline lacks innovation, resulting in a lackluster narrative. The film’s climax offers some redemption, but it may be too late to salvage interest by then.
“Lingoccha” ultimately falls short as a romantic drama, primarily due to its derivative storyline and uninspired execution. While the lead actors deliver commendable performances, the film fails to sustain engagement, especially in the lackluster second half. Despite some moments of levity in the first half, overall, “Lingoccha” proves to be a tedious viewing experience.