Prime Video introduces the latest web series, “Indian Police Force,” directed by Rohit Shetty, renowned for his entertaining masala films. Starring Sidharth Malhotra, Shilpa Shetty, and Mayyank Taandon in pivotal roles, the series unfolds against the backdrop of a series of bomb blasts in the National Capital, shaking the Delhi Police to its core.
Plot Synopsis:
The narrative centers around Kabir Malik (Sidharth Malhotra) and Vikram Bakshi (Vivek Oberoi), members of a special unit within the Delhi Police tasked with apprehending the terrorists responsible for the bomb blasts. Assisted by Gujarat ATS Chief Tara Shetty (Shilpa Shetty), Kabir and Vikram navigate the investigation. With Tara’s support, they close in on Haider, also known as Zarar (Mayyank Taandon), the mastermind behind the bombings. The series culminates in a gripping showdown between the law enforcement and the terrorists.
For enthusiasts of action-packed cinema, “Indian Police Force” promises a captivating experience. The meticulously crafted action scenes and pursuit sequences are visually stunning and avoid the pitfalls of predictability. Cinematographers Girish Kant and Raza Mehta contribute significantly to the visual appeal, especially in portraying intense hand-to-hand combat.
While the series may not provide ample room for character depth, Sidharth Malhotra excels in his action role. However, the true standout is Mayyank Taandon, delivering a compelling portrayal of the menacing antagonist. The cat-and-mouse dynamics between the cops and Haider add an engaging dimension to the storyline. Beyond the action, the series showcases attention-grabbing locations.
For those accustomed to Rohit Shetty’s typical masala entertainers, “Indian Police Force” may be deemed a relatively benign watch. Shetty’s straightforward narration lacks the twists and turns that fans may anticipate, resulting in a somewhat predictable storyline. The series falls short in terms of solid characterizations and a well-researched plot, with logical errors and impractical scenes.
In the realm of web series, known for their intricate narratives, “Indian Police Force” leans more toward a film format. Shetty incorporates his customary commercial elements to sustain the momentum, although Shilpa Shetty and Vivek Oberoi’s limited screen time diminishes their impact. Isha Talwar’s cameo feels underutilized, and the VFX work is subpar for a production of this scale.
Technical Aspects:
The musical composition by Lijo George-DJ and Chetas is satisfactory, but the background score could have been more impactful. Cinematographers Girish Kant and Raza Mehta excel in capturing the action sequences, providing an immersive experience. The editing maintains a brisk pace, enhancing the overall viewing experience. While production values are commendable, the VFX work leaves room for improvement.
Co-directed by Sushwanth Prakash alongside Rohit Shetty, the series strikes a balance between its strengths and weaknesses. While the action sequences stand out, a greater focus on the narrative and logic could have elevated the overall quality.
“In Indian Police Force,” action enthusiasts will find a satisfying masala entertainer with impressive action sequences that offer a realistic touch. Sidharth Malhotra and Mayyank Taandon deliver commendable performances, and the cat-and-mouse dynamic adds intrigue. However, those expecting groundbreaking content may find the series falls short. Adjusting expectations appropriately, “Indian Police Force” emerges as a passable watch.