Chandramukhi 2: the sequel to the acclaimed horror film Chandramukhi, directed by P. Vasu, has hit the big screens with much anticipation. Starring Raghava Lawrence and Kangana Ranaut in pivotal roles, the film explores a wealthy family’s journey as they grapple with various issues, guided by Rao Ramesh to seek solace through prayers to their family deity. Unbeknownst to them, the temple where they perform these rituals is near Vettaiya’s palace, a location with a hidden malevolent force—Chandramukhi’s evil spirit.
The narrative unfolds as the family, led by Radhika Sarathkumar, faces unforeseen challenges. Lawrence’s character, Madhan, holds a mysterious connection to the family, and the story revolves around the motives of Chandramukhi’s spirit. The sequel presents an opportunity to delve deeper into the backstory of the iconic character.
One of the notable strengths of Chandramukhi 2 is the stellar performance delivered by Kangana Ranaut, a National Award-winning actress. Her portrayal of Chandramukhi is captivating, with impeccable dance moves and a strong screen presence. The film successfully revisits Chandramukhi’s backstory, providing a fresh perspective. Lawrence’s convincing portrayal of the character Vettaiyan adds depth to the narrative.
The action sequence featuring Kangana and Lawrence towards the end is a standout moment, showcasing solid intensity. Emotional scenes are well-executed, and Lakshmi Menon’s surprising role adds a layer of intrigue to the film.
Areas for Improvement:
However, Chandramukhi 2 faces challenges in delivering the expected thrills associated with the horror genre. The film lacks the essential spooky ambiance and fails to provide sufficient thrilling moments, aside from jump scares. While the drama in the second half is commendable, the focus on comedy, a key element of the franchise, becomes a drawback.
Vadivelu’s character and the outdated, over-the-top comedy contribute to a disconnect with the audience. The poorly written love track and the absence of the original ‘Vaarai’ track further hinder the film’s impact. The screenplay, apart from a few changes in the backstory, closely mirrors the original, leading to a sense of predictability.
Technical Evaluation:
M.M. Keeravani’s background score attempts to elevate the film, but the writing falls short in creating gripping scenes. Cinematography by Rajasekhar is commendable, while the set work and VFX receive mixed reviews. Editing leaves room for improvement.
Director P. Vasu’s handling of Chandramukhi 2 is satisfactory, embellishing the backstory with added drama. However, the screenplay’s reliance on silly comedy in the first hour detracts from the overall impact. Surprisingly, the horror element takes a back seat in a film of this genre.
Chandramukhi 2 offers a mixed viewing experience. While the second half surpasses the first in terms of engagement, the film falls short of delivering the expected thrills associated with horror flicks. Kangana Ranaut shines in her role, and Lawrence contributes significantly, but the film lacks the memorable essence of its predecessor. It stands as a watchable but not outstanding addition to the Chandramukhi franchise.”